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About Gryphon Aviation

About Gryphon Aviation

GRYPHON AVIATION was started in 1998 when Steve Downing, Marv Howell and Hugh Shoults began correspondence related to Microsoft Combat Flight simulator.

All three were members of the newly forming Old Geezer Squadron and interest at that time was in producing more accurate flight models, aircraft and panels for CFS. Initially, the information exchange and developments were done for personal interest and improvements on available aircraft. It has grown to individual projects to build aircraft models and programs for use in CFS. Here are the team members.

The Team

Steve Downing is an Engineer and the team expert on panels and gauges. He also does repaints and is the primary programmer on any Gryphon project. He has also pioneered a number of programs that we have used internally on various projects. These include: JPEG view (to translate plans to a digital format for AF99); Choose Sight (a program to select and change gun sights); Navigator Board (a mission planning board); and a current project to display Flight Plan information in the cockpit. He is retired Air Force and works for a Civilian Firm in Concord, NH.

Hugh Shoults is the primary modeler on the team. He uses AF99 and FSDS and several paint programs to produce some outstanding new models for CFS. He is also the team mission planner for any of the test missions you find here. Hugh is still active duty Army and stationed at Ft. Leonard Wood, MO.

Marv Howell is the researcher for most of the Gryphon projects. His task has been to find the data; photos, diagrams or articles Hugh and Steve need to produce the models. For the most part that involves searching in his internal library, browsing the web and scanning pictures or articles for the team. He is also involved in testing of air files, critiquing progress, and making suggestions for changes. Marv is also retired Air Force and presently is just laid back enjoying lots of interests.


Before the team became Gryphon Aviation we were involved in projects of mutual interest. Steve did some modifications to a Corsair to produce a Fleet Air Arm Version and shared them with Marv and Hugh. This led to the first real project, which was to produce a better panel and model for the Fairey Swordfish. Marv provided the research and Steve did the work. The next project was initiated when all three expressed an interest in the DeHavilland Mosquito. Again the same procedure was followed. The last informal project was for a P-38J. Steve did a repaint for each of the team with individual names, new panel, and individual code letters. That was also done for the Mosquito in retrospect.

Probably the first "formal" project was the Mosquito. Steve had already done the panel and the repaints and we began to think about a campaign. The goal was to take a Mosquito pilot through three phases of operations. These would be bomber missions against special targets, Intruder Missions, and fighter-bomber operations. Steve did two missions to allow some practice: A shipping strike in the Waldersee and Operation Jericho, the strike on Amiens Prison in France. At this time we realized that we would have to get permission to use the Mosquito in the campaign. We also decided that to avoid any conflicts we would produce our own "Mossie." Hugh began work on that and his FW-190D. As with all new things, there were many things to iron out as we progressed. As a result, the 190D was posted first. Hugh did several missions to go along with the airplane and it was not officially a Gryphon project- but largely Hugh’s baby.

The original FB Mosquito was finally done to our satisfaction and work began on the Night Fighter. Along the way the He-219 UHU diverted us. Steve did a panel for it and we initially tested it in a version we found on the web. But it had been done for FS5 and was not quite what we had in mind. Again Hugh began construction of a totally new airframe. Steve built the air file and we were on the way to the UHU you can download here.

There have been many other tweaks of available airplanes and new panels made for them. These include a P-51B repaint for Don Gentile’s "Shangri-la" along with a P-51B panel. A Sea Hurricane and panel were also built to go along with the FAA Corsair and Swordfish modifications. A Beaufighter panel Steve built has a swing away gun sight just like the real world Beau. A Major project was also done for the virtual 91st Bomb Group. Steve built and modified a new set of panels for the B-17F. It was done in cooperation with Roger Lowery (RAF 662 Squadron) and features a working bombsight, navigation panel, and many other working features.

We would be remiss not to mention the many other designers and experts who have helped us along the way. Chuck Dome, Rabbi Guder, Steve McClelland and the 7th NJG guys, Bill Potvin II, Roger Lowery and the RAF 662 Squadron, and Ted Miller have all provided guidance, instruction, and support as we move along. Gryphon owes much to their wisdom, technical expertise, and encouragement. We deeply appreciate it.

The Future

Hugh made the effort to create this website after we had kicked it around for some time. We hope that it will provide our springboard for sharing what we are doing with others in the flight sim world. The posting are going up slowly, but please check back with us often as we’ll be getting al the great stuff mentioned above uploaded! Our current goal is to give back some of what we have gained in almost three years of working together.

We all have either jobs or other interests that distract us from time to time and keep food on the table. For that reason, we do not intend to maintain any kind of rigid schedule or production. We tend to follow our interests wherever they lead us in flight simulations. We are very interested in CFS II and the potential it has for improvements. We are trying to stay current with the newest tools and techniques for building models, scenery and missions. Hopefully we will have new stuff added to this site as we can find time to develop it.

We are also open to constructive suggestions and information you may have to share. Drop us an email if you have something to offer. We probably will not be able to honor any special requests for repaints, models or programs. However we will be glad to offer suggestions on how you might develop those skills for yourself.

It has been a long growth process and fortunately this team has just managed to find compatibility as we worked on things. We would encourage you to find others with similar interests and grow just as we have.

Happy Landings!

Gryphon Aviation.


Steve Downing, Marv Howell, and Hugh Shoults


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