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How To Navigate in CFS with the Gryphon Navigation Window by Marv Howell. This exercise walks you through the use of all the Navigation Aids (GPS, NDB, and Autopilot) in a flight from Port Moresby to Lae to Alexishafen and return to Port Moresby. You will need one of our CFS2) panels and Steve McClelland's "Pacific-Far East Scenery" which adds NDBs to the stock airfileds available at several places, including http://www.simviation.com.

Texturing and Design

Repainting Textures with Paint Shop Pro This is the readme for the *.psp source files for our P-38L-5-LO (that can be downloaded in our CFS2 Section) and describes the "Layering" technique. There is some good info here if you don't want to D/L the PSP files themselves.

Drawing Rivets and Lines with Paint Shop Pro A technique of making Rivets and Lines using Paint Shop Pro. Using the "Layering" technique, repaints can be quickly produced once the first is done.

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